Thursday, May 10, 2007

"10 Minutes With..." Kossacks Under 35 Founder kath25

The Kossacks Under 35 Diary series has been one of the more successful and visible series on Daily Kos-attracting attention from the over 35 set as well as the whipper snappers.

Join theKK in conversation with kath25 to explore how the series got started and her evolving experiences in using the series to reach out to younger voters by creating a community focused on their specific needs and challenges.

Kossacks Under 35 posts every Thursday at 6 pm PST on Daily Kos

***Tonight's Diary is written by theKK and is Kossacks Under 35 Getting a Job: Beating the "Experience" Catch-22


For download or podcast CLICK HERE


clammyc said...

fixed the media player link. Great show, kath25 and KK!

Unknown said...

I'd just like to say that the girl in the picture is not me -- I may be from New Jersey, but my hair is not that big.

Thanks, KK! Very fun. Hope to do it again.

thereisnospoon said...


Sorry about that--didn't think about that possible confusion there with the picture. I've replaced it with a more general group of people. :-)